Tek Talk

Accessible World seeks to educate the general public, the disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly relevant information about new products, services, and training opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic and access barriers that adversely affect them.

Incorporating Mobilespeak Pocket into Day to Day Living

Presenter: Larry L. Lewis, Jr., Founder and President, Flying Blind LLC.
Home Office Phone: (216) 381-8107. Mobile Phone: (216) 276-0699. Email:


Incorporating Mobilespeak Pocket into Day to Day Living Read More »

The Pocket Hal, A State of the Art Pocket Communications Network

Presenter: Dave Williams, Mobile Products Manager, Dolphin Computer Access Limited.


The Pocket Hal, A State of the Art Pocket Communications Network Read More »

Exploring the Power of Microsoft Word (Part 1)

The Accessible World Tek Talk online training this week will feature two
highly qualified assistive technology specialist, Walt Kramer and Ken
Trebelhorn, as they provide valuable information to unleash the power of


Exploring the Power of Microsoft Word (Part 1) Read More »

LevelStar Icon, A New Linux-based Blind-accessible PDA

Presenter: Joshua Miele, Ph.D., Research Associate, Smith-Kettlewell Eye
Research Institute’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center, San Francisco, California


LevelStar Icon, A New Linux-based Blind-accessible PDA Read More »

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