Tek Talk meeting welcomes Dean Martineau to Discuss his new book: “Windows Keyboard, Power User Guide.”
Dean Martineau will discuss his forthcoming book, Windows Keyboard Power User Guide, on Tek Talk on April 29.
Accessible World seeks to educate the general public, the disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly relevant information about new products, services, and training opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic and access barriers that adversely affect them.
Dean Martineau will discuss his forthcoming book, Windows Keyboard Power User Guide, on Tek Talk on April 29.
The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped has been circulating books and magazines in braille and audio for nearly 90 years.
Tek Talk welcomes a panel composed of Larry Gassman, John Gassman, Steve Bauer and Jeff Bishop to discuss the topic: “An overview of the CSUN Conference, 2019.”
Tek Talk meeting features a panel discussing an overview of the 2019 CSUN Conference Read More »
Dave Wilkinson is the Director of Sales at APH. Tonight he will be introducing us to APH Innovations, a division of APH focusing on bringing experimental products to market.
Tek Talk welcomes Presenter Kesel Wilson, Editor and Programs Manager, National Braille Press to discuss the founding of NBP and its great work in technology to produce fine books, March 25, 2019.
Jeff Bishop is a familiar name in our community and has been the host of ACB Radio’s Main Menu technology program and still serves as a member of the Main Menu team.
In regards to the presentation, I will spend roughly 25 minutes or so on the features and specifics of the Touch +, and then will take questions.
Tek Talk meeting features Peter Tucic to discuss the Plus Touch from Humanware Read More »
In my discussion of the RIVO 2 keyboard I am planning on covering the following:
physical description of the keyboard,
Connecting the RIVO 2 to the iPhone,
Basic navigation of the RIVO 2 using VoiceOver,
The Mystic Access team presents: Getting Started with Google Suite. Lisa, Kim and Chris have collaborated with National Braille Press to make available a one-volume resource on using the Google Suite of applications.