Tek Talk welcomes Nathan Smith, founder of the Nathan Tech website, to discuss the software and tutorials available there 03/29/2021

Nathan Tech is Nathan’s personal website which he founded back in 2013. Since then it has gone through several evolutions from Audio games, to Multi-User Dungeons and now to where it is today, software and tutorials. It should be noted straight off that the website still supports Games and the Multi-User Dungeon, however the main focus these days is the accessible software and tutorials. In the presentation he will begin by summarising just what software he offers, ranging from Educational, to Utility, to Media Player and Podcatcher. He hopes to delight us by expanding then into the Software Archive and tutorials on offer, before swooping us back round for a more in-depth look into one of the biggest projects to date which is Calliope. Calliope is the most accessible out of the box media player designed at blind screen reader users on the market with a simple, yet feature packed interface which aims to suit as many needs as possible.

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