Tek Talk welcomes a panel from the Tek Talk Planning Team to discuss the devices and apps used to read books. 06/20/2022

As technology continues to evolve, we now have access to the greatest number of devices and apps with which to read books than ever before. With this access comes choices regarding which device and which app is most convenient depending on the particular content being read and the user doing the reading. Myrna Votta will discuss the apps Chirp and Audible and the various devices on which they can be read. Andrea DeKlotz will discuss the Fire Tablet and the apps available on it for reading books. Alan Lemly will discuss the iPhone and Amazon Echo and the apps he uses on them to read books.

Presenter Contact Info
Myrna Votta Email: myrnavotta@gmail.com myrnavotta@gmail.com

Andrea DeKlotz Email: catmom3260@gmail.com

Alan Lemly Email: walemly@gmail.com

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