Journey through History to discuss America’s first daughter DB88020 by Stephanie Dray. 03/05/2024

Please join us on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM Eastern to discuss America’s first daughter DB88020 by Stephanie Dray.
NLS Annotation
America’s first daughter DB88020
Dray, Stephanie Reading time: 21 hours, 53 minutes.
Pilar Witherspoon A production of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.

Historical Fiction

Patsy Jefferson, eldest daughter of Thomas, grows up during the tumult of the American Revolution. When her mother dies, she joins her father in France and is torn between love and filial duty when courted by an abolitionist. This conflict of desires follows her through life. Some violence. 2016.
This book can be found at Bookshare at the following link:


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