The Fiction Old and New book group is privileged to welcome guest host Shelly Kane who will lead the discussion of the suspense novel, “Behind Every Lie” by Christina McDonald, D B 9 9 6 9 4 on Friday, January 6, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. eastern time.
Here is the NLS annotation:
Behind every lie DB 99694
McDonald, Christina. Reading time 9 hours, 41 minutes.
Read by Fiona Hardingham. A production of National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress.
Subjects: Suspense Fiction; Psychological Fiction
Description: Eva Hansen wakes in the hospital after being struck by lightning and discovers her mother, Kat, has been murdered. Eva was found unconscious down the street. She can’t remember what happened but the police are highly suspicious of her. Determined to clear her name, Eva heads from Seattle to London–Kat’s former home–for answers. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2020.