Fiction Old and New to discuss Hello Summer by Mary Kay Andrews, DB 99719 02/05/2021

Fiction Old and New discussed the book, Hello Summer

by Mary Kay Andrews, DB 99179 on Friday, February 5, 2021 eastern time. This is a fast paced and entertaining mystery

with a strong family element and a touch of romance.


Here is the NLS annotation:


Hello, summer DB 99719 Andrews, Mary Kay. Reading time

16 hours, 11 minutes.
Read by Kathleen McInerney. A production of National Library Service

for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress.

Subjects: Human Relations; Romance

Description: Conley Hawkins left her family’s small town newspaper in the rearview mirror years ago. Now a star reporter for a big-city paper, Conley is about to take a fancy new position in Washington, D. C. when the job disappears and she lands right back in Silver Bay, Florida. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2020.


Your facilitator for this group is Michelle Bernstein


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